Cleaning Your Personal CPAP Equipment During COVID-19

Posted by Remologie Staff - September 25, 2020

If you have sleep apnea, your CPAP machine is the gateway to a peaceful sleep, that is why ensuring it is in good condition is vital. Cleaning is an important part of keeping your equipment in good condition and for your Sleep Apnea treatment. You must clean our equipment regularly; non-frequent cleaning may cause you… Read More

The Beginner’s Guide to Choosing Food for Better Sleep

Posted by Jessica Penner - September 25, 2020

Does a warm glass of milk really help you sleep better? Hippocrates said “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Throughout history, humans have been drawn to the promising idea that certain foods could elicit medicinal results in our bodies. If you struggle with poor sleep, you’ll want to know which foods… Read More

Sleep Apnea Affects Men and Women Differently—Here’s What to Know

Posted by Dr. Michael Breus - September 25, 2020

Sleep apnea has a pretty stubborn—and inaccurate—reputation as a men’s health issue. Years of research has shown that men are roughly 2-3 times likely as women to develop sleep apnea, depending on age and other factors. But women with OSA often go undiagnosed, in greater numbers than men. So it’s not really clear that the… Read More

How CPAP Changed My Life: Adjusting To New Experiences

Posted by David L. Hebert - September 24, 2020

This is Part 3 of a four-part article. For Part 1, click here. For Part 2, click here. In Part 2, I discussed some of the features of my machine, the Medigas monitoring process, and my experiences with the beginning stages of CPAP therapy. As I continued to use the machine regularly, I noticed that… Read More

Can Obstructive Sleep Apnea be Cured?

Posted by Remologie Staff - September 23, 2020

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has relatively simple causes but, unfortunately, no cure. OSA is generally a chronic health problem characterized by a person experiencing abrupt, short breathing pauses while asleep. In addition, breathing stoppages are often accompanied by loud snoring. OSA happens when muscles and other soft tissues at the back of your throat become… Read More

Sleep Apnea, Sex and Intimacy: Can CPAP be Sexy?

Posted by Dr. Michael Breus - September 22, 2020

You know what doesn’t feel sexy? Snoring and gasping for air at night. Neither does feeling exhausted, irritable, depressed or anxious, unfocused, and disconnected from your partner. These are all symptoms and consequences of untreated obstructive sleep apnea. My patients with OSA wonder and worry about what using CPAP or other sleep apnea treatments might… Read More

Improve Your Sleep By Tracking It

Posted by Dr. Shelby Harris - September 18, 2020

I’m a huge fan of gathering data and being an active observer (and participant!) in your own diagnoses and treatment. If you are beginning to notice that your sleep isn’t as you would ideally like it to be, the first step is to track your sleep for a short while to get more information about… Read More

How CPAP Changed My Life: The First Steps

Posted by David L. Hebert - September 18, 2020

This is Part 2 of a four-part article, for Part 1- please click here. In Part I, I described my reasons for pursuing treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, my mask fitting appointment, my experience with selecting a mask, and receiving my machine. Once the appointment was finished, I took the machine home and eagerly unpacked it… Read More

How Do Alcohol and Cannabis Affect Sleep Apnea?

Posted by Dr. Michael Breus - September 17, 2020

Very differently. Here’s how you can use both and protect your breathing and sleep. Alcohol and cannabis are our most popular recreational substances, and both have long histories with sleep. For centuries, people have sought relief for sleep problems from the intoxicating, sedating effects of alcohol and the relaxing, sedating effects of cannabis. A diagnosis… Read More

3 Foods to Avoid for a Good Night’s Sleep

Posted by Jessica Penner - September 14, 2020

Waking up rested can have a big impact on your day’s performance. Maximize your odds for a good night’s sleep by avoiding these three foods that can keep you awake! Hidden sources of caffeine Most people are aware that caffeine can keep them up at night, and will avoid coffee in the evening. But there… Read More

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